Wednesday, July 28, 2010

TaPau .., One for the Road!

This is a satire of how some Malaysian politicians circa 2008 may have reacted to the question.., 'Why did the chicken crossed the road?!'

Pak Lah - I did not chase the chicken, I wasssszzzzzzzzzzzz....

Najib - I swear that I have never MET that chicken.

Hishamuddin - but I only own a keris, not axe, how to sembelih the chicken man!

Dr.M - Apa nama .... this ayam .., it crossed the road because I don't like the idea of Pak Lah crossing the road with the chicken sleeping under his arm

Chua Soi Lek - Yes it was the chicken.

VKL – Korek, korek, korek.., It could be the chicken, it might have been the chicken but I don't think it’s my chicken!

DSAI – The chicken DID NOT do it, and I am not giving any DNA samples for you to plant on the road railing just to proof that the chicken crossed the road!

K Toyo - the new state government should just shift the road and not waste time asking why did the chicken cross the road.

Mat Said - Mu tahu? the chicken afraid that I might chopped it because chicken is more expensive to maintain than the bridge!

S Cheek - I challenge you to a debate on chicken crossing the road!!

Sam V – the chicken crossed the road because Dandruff members were using the chicken as a meeting point.

A Rustam - We have cross bred the chicken for 5 months and we will rear them for another 5 years, we do not need KFC, McD, 1901, BK and the rest of the chicken in the world.

Son of Yatim - you must see the bigger picture, Ahmad said chicken shack is expensive to maintain, Ali Rustam said that it is against our national identity and I needed to test my new camera, so you see- it’s a WIN-WIN situation all around.

S Samad – The chicken cross the road because we could no longer afford to subsidize it.

Karpal Singh - The bigfoot chicken did it.

Bung Mokhtar - The mother chicken did it.

Speaker Dewan - There is nothing in the standing orders against chicken crossing the road., Kinabatangan duduk, Bukit Gelugor duduk.., sit down!.

KJ - I did not do it, neither did the chicken! By the way, what's a chicken leg?

LK Siang - In response to Khairy – chicken leg also you don't know, you are an insult to Oxford .

Nazri - Racist, racist, racist, when the cat crossed the road nobody made a fuss.

1 comment:

  1. Well done. Most enjoyable. Bagi nama siapa tulis tu..bijak, bijak..
