A prelude to the annual sports day was the cross country run. It was one of the event that I had waited anxiously during my lower forms but not over the later years. During those days, if my memory has not lapsed me, the cross-country event was being monopolised by these bunch of runners: Shahrir (senior from Blue House) or Solahuddin (also a senior - Black House) or Musa Omar (Red or was he from White House .... Yellow?) or Fauzi Alias (senior - Yellow House). We (Batch 73) had our own middle distance and X-country champion in Yunus Karim. But most often than not, the accolades for the X-country event belonged to those guys ... Shahril, Solahuddin ...
The country run took us away from the school compound via the side gate near the surau, out into the rubber estates, over a 'titi' across a tiny stream, alongside a pamelo plantation, the 'oink-oink farm, then came out on the 'country' road just alongside the town of Ampang Baru. Then we'll be struggling and pulling ourselves along Jalan Raja Musa Mahadi (formely Dairy Road) and back to the school. The most welcome sight then was seeing the school a distance away especially from that corner after Yellow House. But, that whole stretched, from that corner until the finishing line, was the most torturous and longest journey ever to the finishing line, I have ever experienced!.
Idris (Dato'), Daniel Tomo, Yuri, Zaini Rashid, Jalal Atan and Saleh Jabar were among the guys (Batch 73) on the photograph. When I met Daniel Tomo last month's during the OBW, he was twice the figure that appeared in the photo. (Do not despair Tomo.., guys, member-member lain pun gemok dan boyot juga, including yours truly!!). During those X-country run, quite often I came acrossed and stumbled upon Tomo but I wouldn't say the same thing though on Rostam. Was he running or was he among the 'selected markers'? or 'check-pointers?' Or could it be that he took part in another 'running event' than X-country? I did try once though, applying for the position of a 'marker' but was disqualified. I was made to understand that one must be really "OKUed" to qualify! The easier way then, they told me, was to get the recomendation from the matron! (Raja Mas Juita). No way man!
Ipoh, if not Perak, is famous for its nasi ganja (of course lah., Rostam would not have agreed more!), kacang menggelembu, pamelo as well as jambu apple!. Talking about pamelo, ever since that X-country runs and ever since I stumbled upon the pig farm (which was sited beside the pamelo plantation), I forbid myself totally from eating pameloes. When Mohamad asked me to pull over and stopped at the stalls on our way home to KL via Simpang Pulai, so that he could buy some pamelo, I just couldn't say no. These pamelo stalls were being manned by amoys, but I doubt whether they are locals. Could these amoys be the real reason why Mohamad wanted the pameloes so desperately? Pure tricks of the trades. I wonder!