Friday, May 22, 2009


Old Boys Weekend for 2009 is scheduled on the 26th to 28th of June, 2009. Please save these dates in your organizer to ensure the dates do not conflict with other events. This year's event is organised by Batch 89. For those interested in attending the gathering, you can now register online. Click HERE to register online and a free (very nice black t-shirt) t-shirt is to be given away to the first 100. Fee is at RM50.00 and is payable via ATM Cash Deposit or ATM 3rd Party Fund Transfer (Maybank or CIMB).
Heard that a few guys already preoaringthe trip up North for the Homecoming gathering. Insya-Allah, God blessing we'll be there!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Hope it is not that late to congratulate both, Awe (Dato Dr. Awang Adek Husin) and Yeh (Dato Idris Jusoh) on winning the UMNO EXCO seats during the last UMNO General Assembly held in March 2009. Awe went further and was entrusted and eventually appointed the Deputy Minister of Finance, a post he held prior to his lost in the March 2008 General Election. Yeh is still the Chairman of MARA, though. CO73 is proud of you guys. Keep it up. A mere coincidence!? Both of them were from Green House and were roomates at the 'cube'. A pantun for both of you though..,

'Berbunga lebat pohon rambutan
Hinggap tempua berjuntai kaki
Bila dapat memandang bulan
Jangan lupa rumput dikaki'.


Photograph taken at the Ipoh Railway Station in 1973, before we left home after our Malaysian Certificate of Education (MCE).

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