Friday, July 10, 2009

The Truth or a Myth?

Ring Finger Length Linked To Success

A study by Cambridge University scientists of highly pressured London traders, whose jobs requires risk taking and quick responses, found the most successful had long ring fingers in relation to their index fingers.
Not only did traders with
long ring fingers make on average six times more money, they survived more years in a cut-throat world which weeded out the weak and unprofitable.



I would love to check and verify this. Any volunteer? Perhaps we can ask Rostam, or Dato K or Yunus or Awe or ... maybe those from Mentari? Why not?! Of course each finger has its own use - the index is for ... pointing lah! The ring finger is where one put one's wedding ring. The whole lot is use when one visits places like Yong Suan's, etc etc.

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